Friday, March 1, 2013

White Night Melbourne

Flinders Station
White Nights are an all-night arts festival held in many cities in the summer. It was refer as white nights due to the late sunsets, early sunrises and darkness is never complete.

According to Wikipedia, the original festival was held in Saint Petersburg, Russia. However from White Night Melbourne history page, the concept was from Paris.

On 23rd February 2013, Melbourne was the first city in Australia to join the other 23 global cities in the world, producing similar all-night events. The city was alive from 7pm to 7am, a very rare thing in Australia.

There were music performances but stompies (utilising the new word I learned) like me can't really catch a glimpse of the stage in the midst of human sea, but of course can still hear. There were also special exhibition in library, etc.

Side note: Another event, Moomba coming up!

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