Monday, March 4, 2013

A walk to the City

I'm the one on the left - no bicycle
I had a brilliant idea of walking to the city from where I stayed.. just for fun. It was a brilliant idea at that time until when I executed the plan, particularly when I was starving half way through the route.

I stay about 5.5 km away from the city, specifically Flinders Street Station. It wasn't a really long walk, just slightly over an hour but I should've brought along a snack or had a heavier breakkie but I didn't.

I live fairly near a train station, and yup, I forgo a train ride and walk. One could argued that it was a beautiful day but it got to a little more warm than my liking but toleratable at 27 degrees tops as the day went.

The stretch along Hoddle Street were not very exciting and I probably look a little silly walking with a camera hanging off my neck. LOL

Display outside a mirror shop
St Phillip's Vicarage
It appears that there was a church next to the vicarage. The church was built in 1865 but demolished in 1968 due to lack of finance to repair the deteriorated building. The vicarage was however built in 1866 and still standing as of now though it looks deserted.


 This St Phillips Reserve stands between the vicarage above and a town hall.

Outsome some shop that appears to be selling leather goods
I thought this is St John the Evangelist Catholic Church given it's location in google map, but when I looked at the image, it looks different. I should've taken a picture of the name of the church as well :(


From here, it's fairly short walk to Jolimont Station, where it is a hop and a skip to Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). Before I moved to Melbourne, I was clueless what MCG stands for. Shame on me as MCG is an icon in Melbourne :/

Love the greenary

Shane Warne - one of the few criketeers I know by name

William Barak Bridge connects MCG with Birrarung Marr. It is said that this bridge is to improve Melbourne's pedestrian environment and encourage public transport use to and from events within the Sports Precinct, particularly during the Commonwealth Games and for major events held at the MCG and Tennis Centre.

William Barak was one of the elders of the Wurundjeri-william clan and an influential spokesman for Aboriginal social justice. Along the bridge one can hear human voices aired through built-in speakers. It is a public art project for William Barak Bridge commissioned to celebrate Melbourne 2006 Commenwealth Games.

This area is the home to other stadiums - Rod Laver Area and Hisense Area. These two stadiums are the main venue of Australian Open for tennis since 1988.

Birrarung Marr is next to Federation Square, sitting on the north bank of Yarra River. 'Birrarung' means 'river of mists' and 'Marr' refers to the side of the river in the language of Wurundjeri period who originally inhabited this area.

The Federation Bells is a set of 39 brass bells located in Birrarung Marr. The bells can be heard at certain time of the day. Refer here for the schedule and ha, wasn't I lucky, I actually just right at the bells were ringing.

It's a nice, shady place to sit down and read a book, preferably with some snacks and drinks at hand.

From across Yarra River, the unmissable Arts Centre Melbourne. 

By the end of it, I was craving for some fries and icy cold bubble tea :P

Side note: French Vanilla almonds are evil


  1. Lovely place.

    A stroll around the neighborhood is always nice. Nicer of course, if there's food available when one is peckish, right?

    So did you have that fries & cold bubble tea? :)

  2. nah.. I was too lazy to walk further to get those :P
    ended up just walked in to a supermarket and got some french vanilla almonds instead.
