Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pre New Year Dinner

Super duper home made yee sang
Ya ya.. I know one can make yee sang (鱼生) from scratch but reading the recipe and imagining all the shredding of veges.. I'm just not up to it.

It appears that yee sang (鱼生) is traditionally only eaten during new year in Malaysia and Singapore. After all the painstaking task of shredding vegetables thinly, it was mixed using chopsticks and saying auspicious sayings as one tosses it. The main item of yee sang is of course the sashimi. This serves as a great on tray, in fact it is a very refreshing Asian style salad.

Of course, pre new year dinner also has a lot of other dishes, each carries some auspicious names, along the lines of wealth, health, prosperity, etc.

My contribution is that measley little flourless orange cake. I last mentioned it was the hardest cake I ever made. I deem it hardest as thus far, it is the most time consuming cake I have ever made, considering it is not those last minute cake, due to time needed to boil oranges.

If we are lucky, there will be round two of yee sang this weekend ^ ^

Side note: Fingers crossed for visa!

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