Thursday, January 17, 2013

Money back guarantee

Thought I'll break the monotonous of all travel posts with some other things.

Little P introduced me to this evil thing, and gave it a money back guaranteed seal. Said that if I don't like it, she would be glad to finish them up and refund me for it. Indeed I wasn't keen initially as I tried some chips on honey soy chicken flavour thingy in the past and I didn't like it. I didn't even finish the chips. Oh well, if something is not nutritious, it should at least taste good, isn't it? Lol.

Anyway, back to this baked not fried shapes - I finished it in 3 sitting (or should it spelled as seating?). The only consolation I could give myself is that at least it is baked, not fried. :D

 Side note: I'm peckish...especially on weekends...

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