Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chiang Mai: Bosang Umbrella Village

I only take the picture, it does not represent my opinion

Bo Sang is one of the famous tourist spot in Chiang Mai fame for its fine products - umbrella, Thai Silk and cotton. It is about 9 km away from Chiang Mai City. I was a little apprehensive on how interesting or exciting the place would be but there are a lot of good reviews on this village and I thought I'll give it a go.

As my attempt in renting a motorcycle was unsuccessful, I was back to public transport. I don't fancy walking the whole 9km under the scorching sun and please don't suggest running to reduce the time, either did I want to entertain the thoughts of hospitalisation due to heat stroke.

So I was back to public transport, or taking a day tour. I was hovering in Warorot Market for a bit contemplating after deciding that renting a songthaew was a little too pricey. I remembered reading the public songthaew could be taken from around the flower market on Th Praisani, near the footbridge.

I found a songthaew heading towards to San Kamphaeng, and there was a Caucasian couple in the songthaew. I confirmed that the songthaew would bring me to Bo Sang and the man was very nice, telling me that it cost 15 baht. When I asked the person in charge (not the driver), I was told 20 baht.

Ok, to get things straight, 5 baht is about 50 cents in Malaysian Ringgit, 15 cents or so in Australian currency. It is obviously not over the top but if another person is charged 15 baht, then I shouldn't be charged 20 baht. I haggled and finally the person in charge asked the songthaew driver, and agreed that I was to pay 15 baht. ^_^V

Main road in Bo Sang
There wasn't much in the village, of course, there are umbrella making centres or homes, heaps of umbrella souvenirs shops and I make the most of the trip. I make sure I checked out every single "red spot" of places on the map, here are the evidence.



Sure the umbrellas are beautiful, but truth to be told, Bosang disappoints me. I don't find it as interesting or fascinating as it was described to be. I was glad and much relieved that I didn't fork out extra on the transportation to Bosang. I would've kick myself if I actually sign up to join a day tour to get there.

Oh ya, the transportation back to the city. So you see, most people either take a day tour or rent a songthaew to get there. If you see an empty songthaew with or even one with a driver standing waiting, it is most probably on hire by someone. To get back to the city, walk back out to the crossroad and wait at the road side, the side with a police station (not police box). I waved down a songthaew, I believed it was a white colour one and it brought me back to Warorot Market area, and the driver charged 15 baht. I didn't even have to haggle for that price.

Side note: The long day time makes me keep on eating = ="


  1. oh the umbrella's really nice!!!
    didn't buy any?

  2. yup, they are.. but I didn't get any.. dont think they work in the rain....at least some are not i think

  3. So How to I get there to Bo Sang? Any Transport from Chiang Mail Downtown to Bo Sang?

    1. If you want to rent a private songthaew, they are abundant.
      As for public songthaew, as I wrote "public songthaew could be taken from around the flower market on Th Praisani, near the footbridge"
      This flower market is near Warorot market, it is not in the moat area but not too far away.
      If you have a look at warorot market's location, it might give you an indication of distance of where you are referring to.
