Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chiang Mai: Saturday Market (Wu Lai Market)

Chiang Mai Saturday Market, also known as Wu Lai Market as the market runs about 1km down Wu Lai Road. Wu Lai road in turns is located to the south west of the old city opposite the Chiang Mai Gate. In other words, Chiang Mai Saturday Market is at the south west of moat area.

The market is open every Saturday from 4pm till midnight. The road is closed to vehicles making walking worry free of vehicles.

After checking in and dropping off my luggage, I walked out of the hostel and walked towards Wu Lai street. I only had a bite of a bun minutes before boarding the flight and thought I could grab an early dinner. I took my own sweet time and by the time I reached the beginning of the market, the sun has set and it was getting less hot to stroll, despite still muggy.

Pad kra Pow 30 THB
I settled for a plate of Pad kra Pow (Fried Basil Leaves with chicken, on rice). This was awesome! Just right to wash it down with a blended fruit drink. However I decided to hold off the fruit juice, thinking I could be a little thrifty, as my daily budget was rather limited.

Take your pick!

Mango shake 30 THB
 Haha. How am I to kid? I succumb to a mango shake after all. I swear the air around just became cooler as I took a sip of this magic mango shake. Since then, I had a cold drink with every single meal, umm, to re-create this magic so to speak :P
Banana wafer stick 7 THB
Technically, it is a little like Malaysia's pasar malam (night market) but things on sale were way different. It's a pretty neat place to purchase some souvenirs to bring home :)

Like this carved soap, they were pretty, but I can't help thinking... if you received this, will you use it or will you not? If not to use, then its a waste to a good soap, no? But if you uses it, then wouldn't it be better to just get a good, big bar of soap? Hmm...


I tell you, it's so easy to over snacking at this place, variety of food was everywhere.
Think my cholesterol just gone up just by looking at them

This, was the first market in Chiang Mai I went to...

Side note: Watching Miyazaki's anime making me wanting to go back to Japan!


  1. *drool* over the colourful food. Even the eggs made me salivate. xD

  2. *drool*.. cheap and good food.. I admit.. those eggs looks pretty in their colour...

  3. The name is so cute...'Wu Lai' market... if read in canton...

    1. Haha. Ya ya, that's why I remember the name well :p
