Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sapporo 札幌市: Around Odori Station

From Jyogai Market, it is reasonable to go straight on to Shiroi Koibito Park, considering both locations are accessible via Subway Tozai Line (Red line). The nearest subway station to Shiroi Koibito Park is Miyanosawa, the end of Tozai Line whereas Nijuyon-Ken station is just 3 stations away. Having said that, this post is not on Shiroi Koibito Park, will leave that for another post as I'm trying to lump the remaining of places in Sapporo together. Hmm.. can't explain how to the brain works but just feel that it is more organized that way. LOL.

First off would be Sapporo TV Tower, a short stroll away from Odori subway station.
Sapporo TV Tower
Sapporo TV Tower is 147.2 metres in height, and is a landmark at the east end of Odori Park. It was constructed as a radio tower, back in 1957. It is now a sightseeing spot with observation deck with heaps of souvenir shops and restaurants. Me being frugal did not enter the observation deck. We walked inside the building from Odori subway station, and exited the tower at it's entrance.

By this time, mom must've been tired with all the walking and propped herself to the nearest bench and told me to take all the photos I want. :P

Odori Park (大通公園, Ōdōri Kōen) is in the centre of Sapporo, separating the city into north and south. This is a super long park, stretching to about a kilometer and a half. This park serves as the main site of the Sapporo Snow Festival.

TV Tower at the end
We were no were Japan in February, so no sightings of any snow sculptures. In fact it was fairly warm. There was however, the Sapporo Autumn Fest at that time we were there. It ran from 14th September to 30th September in 2012.

Banner for Sapporo Autumn Fest 2012

Food stalls for the fest
The other nearby landmark would be the famous The Clock Tower (時計台, Tokeidai). This clock tower is said to be a symbol of Sapporo. It was built during the early period of Sapporo's development as a drill hall of Sapporo Agricultural College. The clock which was installed was purchased in 1881 from Boston. And you guessed it right, I didn't pay the entrance fee either. :p

Just a station away, Susukino is Japan's largest nightlife district north to Tokyo. It is packed with stores, bars, restaurants, karoke, pachinko parlours, red light establishments and I notice chemists or drug stores. I imagine it would not be too far to walk from Odori Park, if one wishes to as we walked from Nakajimakoen to Susukino.

Oh look, there's MOS Burger!
According to Sapporo's tourism website, there are two different stories as to how Susukino got its name. First story was that the area was a field (野、no)  of pampas grass (薄、susuki). The other story was that the area was named after Tatsuyuki Usui (薄井), who oversaw the construction of the red-light distright in 1871 and his last name includes the Japanese character for pampas grass (薄、susuki)

Of note in Susukino is Ramen Yokocho, a narrow lane lined with shops serving Sapporo's famous ramen.

Side note: Hope this washer will last me for years and years and years and years and many more years to come.. :)

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