Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Asahikawa 旭川市: 2012 Hokkaido Food Marche

We were in Asahikawa on 16th and 17th September, which coincide with the Kaimono Koen Asahikawa Marche. This year, the market went on for 3 days, from 15th to 17th in September.

A little rain did not stop the crowd

There were even stalls in the train stations
Actually, the two photos were taken at a different time. The second photo was taken the next morning, on the 17th as the stalls were being set up.

Err... duck or cow?
Anyway, this also translate to all the street food goodness! *happy*

Potato corn bun
Macha mochi with red bean filling

Age pan - taste like mochi pan. Definitely taste better than it looks after a few hours in my bag :P

Ika fish cake - beats me why I didnt take any picture after having a bite... must be too glutton :P

Super yummylicious hotate *drool*

Takoyaki - should've focus on the front instead of the middle.. oh well..

Kinoko han - simple but yummy rice.. I should learn how to cook this...

Side note:  I wish my running motivation is greater than my eating motivation :/


  1. Hahaha. I didn't realise when initially saw it.. But ya.. Dunno it's cow or not :p

  2. looks like PIG DUCK worr... hahahaha

  3. Hmm. Ekkk.... So now is duck-cow-pig
