Sunday, August 5, 2012

What's your take...?

Date pictures taken: July 2012
... on expiry date on food?

The pictures above were taken when I was cleaning the fridge and things in the kitchen. Those bottles were just there as ornaments, much to my friend's disapproval, I actually do consume them, albeit slowly. Taste wise, perfectly normal. No foul smell or strange texture.

How about you? What's your take? Do you discard them once it reached the expiry date? Or like me, so long it is still in good condition, consume them?

Side note: Hope the agent emails me by Monday!


  1. I usually throw them away... BUT for some food, if it's 1-2 days off and it still looks good, I am guilty... I still eat them... Well, I'm still alive. Haha! :p

  2. :P throw liao lar.. but of course got eat prior to that lor..

  3. We only found the mayonnaise that expired waayyyyy back in '08 last year when we moved :P

  4. I do consume some stuff that's past its expiry date. As long as the taste still feels right! Hahaha

    Even use soy sauce that's 3 months expired because well... it's soy sauce. It's fermented! ;p

    1. Haha. But on/off I'll get lectured when people found expired food in my fridge :p
