Sunday, August 5, 2012

What's your take...?

Date pictures taken: July 2012
... on expiry date on food?

The pictures above were taken when I was cleaning the fridge and things in the kitchen. Those bottles were just there as ornaments, much to my friend's disapproval, I actually do consume them, albeit slowly. Taste wise, perfectly normal. No foul smell or strange texture.

How about you? What's your take? Do you discard them once it reached the expiry date? Or like me, so long it is still in good condition, consume them?

Side note: Hope the agent emails me by Monday!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dunsborough: Sugarloaf Rock

Sugarloaf Rock - where's the edible part?
This is said to be one of the most photographed seascape in Western Australia. Located in Dunsborough and of all the days, it was raining heavily. We wrapped ourselves up, and took turns to run up to the observation deck. It was not that we can't all go at the same time, but someone needs to be in the car to take care of my little niece. The other factor was, we were contemplating if it was worth to run out in the cold, windy, heavy rain to take a glimpse of the rock. We did in the end, that was how the above was photograhed.

The grass, the water and the grey sky
Just another shot before hopping in the car, but very few photos taken due to the bad weather. I also wanted to go to climb the Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse, but it was closed. I was told it was not closed due to the weather, but the staff who is in charge of guiding the tour was on sick leave. We were heading back to Perth on that day, so I don't have any other option except keeping it for another time.

Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse is one of the lighthouse which allowed one to climb up with a fee. Up till now, I have yet have the chance to climb up a lighthouse :(

Side note: Looks like I am forced to put the picture in the middle. Bleh.