Saturday, April 14, 2012


The last many posts fall under the "Travel" category. Let's do something a little different, after all this was started as a personal blog. Anyway, I have a soft spot for jacket. I saw one that I like in Zara when I went back to Malaysia a couple of months ago, unfortunately it was a little big and I looked a little like dumpling when I put it on. So, I didn't bring it home despite it was on sale. Green in colour with detachable fleece inside.

See... it's nice isn't it. The jacket ok.. don't look at the legs.
Picture source: Zara (Malaysia)

Anyway, I saw it again in the shop, here in Sydney. It was a little more pricey compared to when I first saw it in Malaysia :( but I was tempted... but they don't have my size. I didn't asked but all on display are M size. Oh well, I guess it is telling me that I shouldn't spent on it... reason being... I just realized that I have more jackets than I have skirts or dresses. Same number if I add up both skirts and dresses. Hmm.. Here's what I already had... :P

(L) Jacket from Supre; (R) Denim jacket from G-Star

(L) Leather jacket from Just Jeans; (R) ASOS duffle coat with hood

(L) Winter jacket from Hunt; (R) Jacket from G-Star

(L) Trench coat from Giordano; (R) A&F Hoodie

(L) Esprit Jacket; (R) Work jacket from Padini

Hoodie from Target :P

Actually I do wear them quite often, except the winter jacket from Hunt as it is a little too thick for winter in Sydney. I practically wore the leather jacket and black jacket from G-Star the whole of last winter, hence I bought the ASOS jacket so that I dont over-abuse my G-Star jacket. :P

Looking at it, they are all black or dark blue, I should've picked up some in other colours :p

Side note: Alright.. back to work


  1. Ooo... i really agree... u do have many jackets... but how come all d same shade one?!? add more colours!!! =p

  2. Haha. Ya lor. After I wrote this post then I realised all same shade of colour. Lol. But if I buy different colour, means will add more to the collection .... :p
