Saturday, February 4, 2012

Alor Setar: The nostalgic hometown

This is not a popular destination if you are a tourist travelling to Malaysia. I suspect even if one make time for Penang, the much popular neighbour, they might just forgo this rice bowl state. In fact, I think most of the people who gets here are to get to Kuala Kedah for the ferry to Langkawi. But, this is the place where I spent all my school years, till I left for uni.. where Thursday nights were my favourite night because weekends in Kedah are Friday and Saturday. Sunday is a working day.

Ok... a little about Alor Setar. Between 2004 and 2008, it was known as Alor Star when granted status as "city" (bandar), I can't exactly remember the reason though, in fact I didn't quite remember the year (I got that from Wiki page) though yes, I remember having to change how I spelt Alor Setar. Strange thing.

Alor Setar is the state capital of Kedah, a northern state in West Malaysia, just south of Perlis. Kedah is also called the Rice Bowl of Malaysia because of paddy agriculture and rice production. Also of interest (I suppose) that the first and 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia was born in Kedah :)

The picture above - that is Masjid Zahir (Zahir Mosque), located in the heart of Alor Setar, along the street, stood the Balai Seni Negeri (State Art Gallery), Balai Nobat (Hall of Drums), Balai Besar (Grand Audience Hall) and Muzium Di Raja (Royal Kedah Museum). It was a good walk, looking at those buildings. The added bonus was I used to stay a stone throw's away :P

That, unfortunately is the only picture I have on Masjid Zahir from the last trip, from a moving car. I probably won't be able to tempt anybody to visit Alor Setar but hey, I'm bias :P

The building on the left - That's Balai Nobat (Hall of Drums).

That's Telekom Tower, a baby compared to the Petronas Twin Tower :P

A walk straight on leads to the Balai Seni Negeri (State Art Gallery) and the other buildings.

And a trip home isn't complete without a good bowl of asam laksa. Of course I ate much more food in Alor Setar, just didn't take any picture cos I was busy stuffing myself silly :P
Food in Alor Setar are great! All of us (my friends and I) gained a few kg from just the 2 days home. :P

Side note: Time for dinner!


  1. It's a bit of a shame because I never got around to visiting Alor Setar. Most of my trips to West Malaysia have always been a quick stopover on my way to Sarawak. I love reading travelogs from a local's perspective.

  2. Alor Setar is not big on tourism though. I would love to go back to Sarawak again :)

  3. I came across your blog by chance - just fyi Alor Setar is my hometown too. In fact, I have lived here most of my life except for about 10 years of it when I went studying. This town is where I stay, and where I work. I pass by this iconic mosque almost daily

    1. Hello fellow Alor Setarian :) I might be biased but I think Masjid Zahir is one of the most beautiful mosque.
