Thursday, December 15, 2011

Swan Valley: Wineries and Honey

According to my second sis who stays in Perth, she would recommend a photo of this winery. Just right across the Margaret River Chocolate Company, a beautiful scenary greeted us. Being the lazy photographer, can't be help, it was scorching hot, we took the photo under the shed across the road. This was till my sister helped me to take a photo and she said I looked like some live size billboard sticking to the winery. So, I had to cross the road the make the photo looked more believable. :P

As we have taken some shot of the beautiful vineyard, we thought might as well visit the winery and tried some wine and cheese at Lancester Wines.

Unfortunately it wasn't the most comfortable place to enjoy wine and cheese, especially on such a hot day. It definitely didn't help when there were flies hovering around. I only had a little sip and some cheese, my 2 bro-in-laws were trying some, they were thinking of buying a bottle but did not in the end as we thought of going to another winery to try first. Maybe the people at the winery reckoned we were not keen on purchasing, I feel that they were not very friendly actually.

Nonetheless, a beautiful place. Would be much comfortable if it was a little less hot.

I wanted to go to the Ugly Duckling Winery to pick up a dessert wine for a friend, so that was the next stop while my eldest sis and family went off to Windarra Honey first. I tried the dessert wine and really like it. It was too sickly sweet, just nice :)

I think its a strategy to have beautiful place to drink some wine to interest people into buying them :P

Pardon the photo but this is my purchase from Swan Valley - Viognier

After getting the wine, met up with my eldest sis at Windarra Honey

It was a small place, nothing too exciting inside the shop. It was outside the place that attracts my nieces. There were some cows and they had fun feeding the cows.

Side note: How nice if I have some honey now.. bleh...

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