Monday, December 12, 2011

Kirribilli Art & Design Market and Fashion Market

From the previous North Sydney market, I have moved and now staying near another market - Kirribilli Market. There are 2 markets being held in a month at the same location - General Market on the 4th Saturdays; and Kirribilli Art & Design and Fashion Market on 2nd Sundays. Thre are held at a very strategic location, at the Burton Street Tunnel, very near the Milsons Point train station.

Actually both markets are rather similar if you asked me, except that in General Market there was a stall or 2 selling vegetables and fruits. Here are some pictures of Kirribilli Art & Design and Fashion Market. Coming from Milsons Points side, it always starts with food stalls.

Some of the food stalls has been around since when I first moved in, some are new ones. Like the one above - Dutch Poffertjes is one of the ones been around for a bit, so are Russian Blyni, Turkish Gozlemes. Lately the Sri Lanka dishes stall also put up a stall at the Kirribilli Markets.

There are some pretty good buys at the market, especially on handmade jewelleries. Some are on the pricey side but there are pretty good ones. I didn't take a lot of pictures as this being the Art & Design Market, many stall owners do not allow pictures being taken of their goods.

Lately, both markets has been well expanded and it was great fun poking around looking at the things. Especially Christmas is around the corner, might be a good place to get some Christmas presents :)

Side note: Nursing the itchy throat, stuffed nose and headache at home. Have to get it sorted before I travel home...

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