Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Arizona: Grand Canyon South Rim

... I have to add... Arizona: The amazing Grand Canyon.

Despite the not very imaginative name of adding the word Grand to the word Canyon, somehow it is probably the most suitable name for it. Sounds cheesy, but the Grand Canyon... is simply grand (*avoid flying slippers)

Anyway, a bit of reading on this beautiful place.

The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in Arizona. It is contained within the Grand Canyon National Park. It is a very large area, cover up to 446km long, 29 km wide and depth of over 1,800 metres.

Grand Canyon train... to break up the long text
Before we make any booking, I had a read up on Grand Canyon and one could visit West Rim, South Rim or North Rim. The North Rim itself is not as easily accessible as compared to the other two rims, also only open for a short period of time due to weather condition. It is higher than both West Rim and South Rim, hence it is said to be covered in snow for the colder months. Most people get to North Rim by driving and since that was not what we wanted to do, we were left with West Rim and South Rim.

West Rim is known to be the where the U-shaped glass walkway is located. It is also closest to Las Vegas. However the West Rim is not actually park of the Grand Canyon National Park, as it lies outside the park's boundaries. On the other hand, South Rim is positioned closest to the Colorado River, and offers water views as well as magnificient canyon views. This... I decided, was where I want to go, instead of West Rim.

Ok... back to my story.. once we reached the starting point, we were given some time to go to the washroom and spend some money at the souvenir shop. There were some nice goodies there :P
As I stepped out of the shop via the other door... this amazing view greeted me.

I thought to myself, if I know the other door opened out to this, I would've made up my mind faster on what to buy and spend less time in the shop. :P

I was rather hungry at this point but lunch was not far away then. Regardless, it was a late lunch compared to my usual time. Gourmet sandwich, (my pick: roasted beef), grapes, cheese, crackers and water bottle for lunch with the nicest view for picnic.

... and a bird joining us...

We stopped by a few view point, and I'm having a bit of trouble deciding which picture not to post up. Not that my photography skills are great or what, but I really love this place. It is definitely worth a stop, at least for a day trip, if you are at somewhere close.

And.. we stayed for sunset.. :)

Side note: BT mouse is back working... so I'm back blogging. I know how to use the touchpad and I do have a wired mouse...just.. haha :P

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