Tuesday, September 27, 2011

San Francisco: Sausalito

Cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge brought us to Sausalito.

Sausalito is a San Francisco Bay Area city, in Marin County, California. Overall the road from the bridge to the port area was flat, there were bits of downhill and a little uphill.

As it was by the waters, there were nice bits of view, and some shops to keep you occupied :)

Of course you could cycled further on after dropping by Sausalito but it never crossed our mind to subject ourselves to that we decided to enjoy a ferry ride back.

There are 2 ferries company which operates the ferry from Sausalito back to Fisherman's Wharf. Do check the ferry schedule and where you want to travel to. There's a booth near the bicycle parking place. Depending on the time, the ferry might be going back to the Ferry Building or Pier 41.

We took the Blue & Gold Ferry departing to Pier 41, as it is located nearer to where we picked up the bicycles earlier. Tickets were sold on board - $10.50 per person including your bicycle.

It was quite a sight seeing everybody pushing their bikes to board the ferry. It's a first on, last off thing. So if you were right in front and get on the ferry first, your bicycle will be right at the front and furthest from the exit, so you'll have to wait for your turn. Also you will be reminded to have your tickets ready for inspection upon getting off the ferry :)

I have been going on and on about bicycle, here's the one I rode :)

And here's a picture to show the bicycles on the ferry. Hmm.. make sure you can recognize which was the one you rented oh :)

As of when I was at Sausalito, the public toilet was one of those temporary ones.

Side note: Sigh, looks like it is going to rain this weekend too :(

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