Saturday, September 24, 2011

San Francisco: Pier 39 and Fisherman Wharf

Travelling back from Alcatraz, we were back to Pier 33. A short walk from Pier 33 brought us to Pier 39. By this time, it was already closed to dinner time and we were famished. We only had brunch, hiked up to Pier 33 and spent time in windy Alcatraz. So, an early dinner was in order. I know restaurants in Pier 39 don't get good reviews but too hungry to anywhere else for food. Anyway, I thought I'll do it differently this time, to put that in a different post.

Pier 39 is a waterfront tourist attraction, with souvenir shops, restaurants, cruises and the all important bicycles rental place.

Apparently one of the famous thing to do in Pier 39 is to watch sealions. Hmm.. but I don't see any. Either I mata sepet or there wasn't any at that time. Hope it was the latter, cos it is said to have a lot of sealions, I must be blind if they were there and I didn't notice.

Old Port Gate
Alcatrax at far end
Further down after Pier 39, we saw a man cleaning a fish on a boat, with other people looked on. I'm guessing it might be some fishing tour or what-not. Not sure I am right or not though.

If you continue on, you'll reach Fisherman Wharf.

Being at waterfront, seafood is the thing to eat, and from my observation, quite a few stalls selling chowder.

Foggy San Francisco. So you see the street car at the side, that's the F line street car.

Oh, by the way, SF was cold, even though end of August (when I was there) was suppose to be summer.

Side note: Huge blister on my palm...

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