Monday, August 22, 2011

Lake Macquarie and Newcastle

Lake Macquarie is the largest coastal saltwater lake in Australia, at 24km long, four times the size of Sydney Harbour and located between the Central Coast and Newcastle.

It is promoted as a location for aquatic relaxing holiday with activies as cruising on the lake, mountain walks, lakeside dining and shopping.

When first planned, it was meant to be an overnight stay in Lake Macquarie. Somehow, the accommodation were rather pricey. So we canned the thought of staying overnight. Till now I am not totally sure if we actually gone to the right place (I mean where all the activities are) but it doesn't seem very tempting. We were quite relieved that we didn't book for a night's stay.

As said, I am not totally sure if we were at the hype touristy location , in fact I don't exactly have any cool pictures of Lake Macquarie. :P May I should've asked my colleague, heard she has a holiday home in Lake Macquarie.

Trip to Lake Macquarie was not successful, hence to make the drive a little more worth it, we popped by Newcastle. I had memory of being rather sleepy at that time, not too sure why but.. anyway..

Newcastle is also famous for its beaches, and can be reached by Cityrail.

I believe there are quite a few tours to Hunter Valley departs from Newcastle. Don't take my word for it, cos I have not been to Hunter Valley :P

Back to Newcastle being famous for its beaches, there were a lot of people doing paragliding when we were there.

We walked to the end, near to the waters... I remember it was a rather long walk.

And we saw big vessel with some tug boats...

Side note: Yay for AI fish curry... ^_^

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