Saturday, April 2, 2011

Takeshita Dori to Omotesando

From Akiba, we moved on to Harajuku. Entrance to Takeshita Dori, colourful and playful feel.

Saw this totally cute Totoro casing in one of the shops in Harajuku. I was undecided if I want to get it then. So I left the shop without a purchase. However right before we left Harajuku, I got myself this casing after anasir from Moo Moo Gal. It wasn't cheap though, which was why I hesistant initially. Same price as what I paid for in Sydney, however still cheaper than the first casing I got for Iphone 3. :P Glad I got it, as the one I was using earlier attracts fluff and every type of dirt possible. Not only Totoro make me happy, no more fluff!

One of my favourite thing in Harajuku is the crepes. I love love love those crepes. Tried one in Melbourne, introduced by a colleague, said to be similar to crepes in Harajuku. Unfortunately, it fall short. :( So I very much look forward to having another crepe with this round of visit in Harajuku. Moo Moo Gal and Ms Mo didnt quite feel like eating after the bowl of ramen but Moo Moo Gal had milk tea craving. So we went to a food court kind of place to rest our legs and Moo Moo Gal found milk tea.

But what caught my attention was crepes. The same stall (Pearl Lady) also sells crepes :P

My choice this round, caramel banana custard (360 yen). That was the plastic replica... and the picture below, was mine. How different :(

Credit given to the taste...but the presentation... chotto.... See the one I had in my previous trip. Much beautiful isn't it? Oh well....

After we had our tea break, literally for Moo Moo Gal who had milk tea, mine was crepe break :P we had a round of shopping spree in Daiso. I wish Sydney has its own Daiso too :( We planned for an earlier night today as it was the last night for Moo Moo Gal and Ms Mo who will depart for Singapore early next morning, while me back to Kyoto. We had a short stroll to the higher end of shopping place - Omotesando which was just round the corner, then back to hostel to repack our bags.

Dinner was supposedly sushi at a shop nearby hostel, but seems to have closed for the night. Hmm... so it was ramen again. Haha... This ramen was actually small size. We initially thought we had been given the large bowl. To the amusement of the chef, we took photos of the ramen served to us before eating, he offered to take pictures of 3 of us together with the big bowls of ramen. :P And, it was at this shop that a fellow customer tapped Moo Moo Gal on her shoulder and told her to enjoy her ramen before he left the shop. :P

Oh...and Lady Luck was smiling upon my 'food to eat' list. I found strawberry daifuku!

Side note: Guess I should buck up and study :(

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