Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Osaka: Namba and Shinsaibashi

I found myself back to Osaka for the neon lights which we missed the previous trip. Back to familiar changing of train to reach JR Namba Station.. as well as Namba Walk.

This time, the aim was to find a bookshop as I wanted to buy textbook for my course. The selling price in Australia was two times the retail price in Japan... some daylight robbery. So, since the timing was right, I am willing to lug the book back. I googled and found that Kinokuniya is nearby, also that most smaller scale bookstore does not carry foreign books or textbooks for foreign students. Since I did not have map on Osaka, I thought it would be good to drop by the tourist info centre and get one. Little did I know, it took me ages to find that tourist info office, that I lost count the times I walked back and forth in Namba Walk. = ="

Namba Walk is not a night market. It's an indoor area with mazes of shops and lanes, connected by trains and subways. 
The good news was, I found it and they suggested that I try Junkudo Bookshop, one of the biggest bookshop available. It was lucky that I asked, as it was very, very near JR Namba Station. Definitely easier to get to compared to Kinokuniya in Osaka.

I tried my very best to locate those textbooks (and thank you to my sis and Little P for texting me the details of the books) with my limited Kanji. Unfortunately, Junkudo in Osaka didn't carry the book at that time. The helpful shop assistant checked and found that their branch in Kyoto did have them in stock and asked if I want it to be reserved. I didn't know if I would have time to go pick them up, so I didn't.

I spent so much time hovering in Namba Walk, ended up having my dinner there as well - エビフライド+カツ丼 (Ebi Fry + Katsu don)

Thereafter I walkabout Dotonbori and Shinsaibashi.

Outside Hotel Dotonbori
A passerby was staring as to why I took picture of this... am I weird or he was?
Dotonbori and Shinsaibashi gave a feeling of とてもにぎやか. Here's some pictures on the vibrant neon lights.

And last but not least, one of a pretty manhole

Side note: I wish today is Saturday!


  1. ur camera can take good night shots.. time to change olympus lio.

  2. thought your blue prince still very new?
