Saturday, April 9, 2011


Credit to Chinese Music Blog, though I changed a little.

bu zuo kao lv ye mei ban dian you yu
Without consideration, or any trace of hesitation

我就说了这一句 我等你
wo jiu shuo le zhe ju wo deng ni
I said this phrase, "I'll wait for you."

ni yan zhong shan guo le yi xie ya yi
A flash of surprise flashed in your eyes,

更多的是怀疑 所以你可以离去
geng duo de shi huai yi suo yi ni ke yi li qu
And even more doubts, which is why you could bear to go.

bu xiang xin ni hai hui hui xin zhuan yi
I don't believe you will change your mind,

是我任性才决定 要等你
shi wo ren xing cai jue ding yao deng ni
It is my stubbornness that I have decided to wait for you.

wo yan zhong de lei mei diao guo yi di
Not a single drop of my tears fell,

只是随你背影 慢慢倒流进心里(心底)
zhi shi sui ni bei ying man man dao liu jing xin li (xin di)
They just followed your shadow, and slowly flowed back into my heart (the bottom of my heart)

我等你 半年为期
wo deng ni ban nian wei qi
I'll wait for you, with half a year as the deadline.

yu qi jiu hen hen ba ni wang ji
After that, I would forget you completely

不只伤心的 还包括一切甜蜜
bu zhi shang xin de hai bao kuo yi qie tian mi
Not just the hurtful moments, but also all the sweet moments.

(ni ying gai yi jing he ta gong kai zai yi qi)
(By then, you should already be with her openly.)

要等你 要证明自己
yao deng ni yao zheng ming zi ji
I want to wait for you, I want to prove to myself,

wo ke yi zong rong ni zai xin di
That I can have you in my heart,

也可以当你只是路过的人 而已
ye ke yi dang ni zhi shi lu guo de ren er yi
But I can also treat you as a mere passer-by.

爱到痛之极 才需要一段等你的限期 来遗忘自己
ai dao tong zhi ji zhi xu yao yi duan deng ni de xian qi lai yi wang zi ji
Only when I love so much that it hurts, that I would need a fixed deadline, to forget myself.

Side note: It is exactly 6 months today. Does this deadline really work?
A character in a TVB drama said it is like having a flu, you didn't want it but you can't help it if you fell sick. Anyway, in the end, you will recover. Hmm.. there are flu vaccinations, does this have too?

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