Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Re-experiencing the Magical Studio Ghibli

Read: I tried to sign up to Todd's Wandering's ongoing Blog for Japan Event but I don't seem to get the confirmation email link that was said to have sent to my inbox. It must've something against my yahoo email addie. *ponder*


Yatta - looks familiar? Back at the same spot after slightly over a year :P
Difference being good weather this round and we aiming for the earliest entry time. Bought the tickets from Lawson in Kyoto, 1,000 yen per person.

And Totoro faithfully waited for my return :P

Queuing up to get into the musuem.

Taking all opportunity to snap some pictures, as no pictures allowed inside the building.

New short film on show this round - Mr Dough and Egg Princess (パンだねとタマゴ姫). Also there was a special exhibition in dedicated to this. There was this big Mr Dough (made up of different types of bun) on display.

The rest of the of exhibits are the same as previous time, but I still walk around looking at them, but maybe not as thorough as the first time. As in, I did not play with every single one of them but still poke around :P

Of course, I paid a visit to the robot soldier at the roof.

Here's a picture of the entrance again, but this time taken from the roof.

As the weather was good this round, it is much easier to take pictures.

Susuwatari (dust ball) :)

This is actually part of a paintaing on the wall. It does reminds of the great detailed of drawing of Hayao Miyazaki isn't it. I especially love the 3D feel to it.

Last, but not least... I present to you, Straw Hat Cafe. There was a waiting chair line to get into the cafe... but we waited. I would say, it was not a short wait though.

Side note: MAS on sales!
Edit: it was on sales at the time when I wrote this... :P

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