Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tempura udon lunch and obanyaki snack

I was starving by the time we left Peace Memorial Park. In fact, was already really hungry after A-Bomb Dome :P

Didn't bring snack that day. There were more shops selling souvenir food rather than eatery place. We ended up here.

Buying ticket first - I picked udon this round, with tempura (430 yen)

Paid and take the ticket, walked in to the shop and handed it to the lady at the counter. It was fully self service, so we picked up the noodle from the counter ourselves.

Looks yumy, isn't it? Well, it was :)

What I didn't expect was we had to stand while eating. There was probably only 2 chairs, occupied of course. :P Imagine if I was carrying my fatty backpack. LOL

Right across the soba/udon shop, was opportunity to stock up on snack :P

I believe it is call obanyaki. Ms Mo bought the red bean filling, while Moo Moo Gal and I shared a white bean filling obanyaki. I like the white bean one better this round, though the red bean filling obanyaki looks nicer on picture :P

Side note: Jetstar on sales! Maybe I should planned some local trips :P

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