Monday, February 21, 2011

Takayama in Hida region of Gifu prefecture

Takayama is a old preserved city in the Hida region of Gifu prefecture. It gives a feeling of Hoi An in Vietnam but bigger. The days we were there, it was rather quiet, I think there might be some occasion or holidays but didn't seem to have any indication of so.

After having a little tea with snack, we bundled ourselves up and checked out the little town :)

Haha... to think that we were so jakun about seeing snow upon initial arrived and tried the very best to capture it on the camera, it is much easier to shoot it here. The snowfall was obviously heavier. :P

We stopped at the bridge to have a couple of shots. It's a beautiful place.

Slightly further down the bridge, and we spotted this gyuuman on sale.

It is actually quite expensive for a small hida beef dumpling, at 200 yen, despite rather yummy.

Stepping into one of the preserved areas... and there were some shops selling sake (maybe also brewing), I decided to pop in one to get one of those famous sake. Honestly, I'm not good and don't have a clue of which is a good sake. So I decided to ask for recommendation. I really like the one I tried and decided to grab it. So, there goes the extra 300ml of sake sitting in the fatty backpack for the remaining days of journey. The sake which was recommended was a famous Gifu origin sake - Tenryou.

Back to the exceptionally quiet Takayama, it was much more noticeable at night when we were looking for a place for dinner. We finally settled in a restaurant, which was also very quiet. In fact, we were the only customers. Given that Hida beef is the specialty in Takayama, that's what we wanted to try for dinner!

Hida beef was really good, worth the price of 1,680 yen.

We then called it a night. Haha.. how's not to be fat with all the food and sleep shortly after :P

Side note: It looks like there would be visit to 3 different states in half a month :P

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