Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kyoto's Kitchen: Nishiki Food Market

There's something about Japan that makes me want to greet everyone I met with,"お早うございます.” Beats me why. Maybe it's the friendly Japanese, maybe it's in the air. LOL. On the first night we walked in the streets of Kyoto, after crossing a road, a little boy popped his head out of the car and shouted out to us, "おやすみ!” How sweet :)

Maybe it's the cold weather of winter in Japan or simply just my gluttonness. I was always hungry. After our visit to Kinkakuji with morning tea right after, we took a bus back to city, I justified that it was time for lunch :P This very much coincide with plan to have a walk to Nishiki Food Market.

Unfortunately, food around in Nishiki Food Market isn't very budget friendly or maybe we missed them. After much considering, we decided at one place and I had my first omuraisu in Japan. A couple of days before departing to Japan, I read on a blog and the blogger was writing about omuraisu. It was then I made a mental note to have omuraisu in Japan. It might be a stretch or difficult to find that specific shop to try to omuraisu but I want to eat omuraisu in Japan, at least once.

Nishiki food market 錦市場 is a big market, it has long alleys that branches out. I'm not sure if we finished wandering the whole market despite spending a fair good few hours there. It ranges from raw food, snacks, ready-to-eat food, candies, hankies, slippers, etc.

With all the food around, we not only had lunch, how could we resist snacks too :P

Takoyaki - but unfortunately, I didn't quite like it, maybe I didnt like the strong ginger taste.

Tonyu donuts - mini sized tonyu soy milk donuts that I make sure to try if I'm in the area. It was crunchy on the outside and soft inside. Yummy. If I remember correctly, it was 13 donuts for the price of 300 yen. At such mini bite size, you'll probably finish it before realising :P
But its good to have friends to share all the food, more tummy spaces to try more food :)

Side note: For the first time, I received a thank you card by mail. Thank you for the thank you card :)

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