Thursday, February 3, 2011

First trip of the year!

It's the first day of CNY, not only I worked... full day, my reunion dinner is nowhere near reunion, unless TV is considered as one, the dinner? Some left over chicken curry and microwaved fish tofu to top.

Anyway, back to the trip. Started the year, with a approximate 2 weeks away in Japan. *happy*
I brought some snacks and 2 buns for lunch and evening tea in flight. Umm.. I underestimate myself. Who am I kidding, of course I eat more than that. Lucky I came to my senses earlier, when the flight attendant asked if I want to purchase any drinks, I asked if there was anymore hot food on sale. There was 3 choices, but if there are any leftovers, then they would come back to me. I was lucky, there were some leftover sweet and sour pork.

The packaging doesn't look too bad... comes with Kit Kat too (... it would be nice if it is green tea kit kat.. lol.. i'm asking too much eh... :P)

... but the colour doesn't look too tempting ...

So now I have two buns for evening tea... still pretty determine to have my first dinner in Japan :P

The passenger next to me, was an elderly gentleman who has been travelling to Japan a few times. He travelled to Japan three times last year alone, each time stayed for three months. He was in Japan longer than in Australia. He told me about the coffee shop he frequent and point cards, buying a bicycle and cycling there, recommended me to sign up for home stay. He was going to attend a Japanese class in Fukuoka.

Silly me, I did not even ask for his name. Maybe that was why I'm not very good in making new friends. The two buns I brought along for snack? I shared one with him. I let him pick - between blue mountain coffee bun and green tea with azuki bean filling. He picked the one with azuki bean filling. :)

I last saw him at immigration check in Kansai International Airport. As for me, I had my first dinner Kyoto the same night, albeit a little late. Ramen and gyoza - treat from my two friends.

Dessert and goodies brought across the ocean. Thank you :)

Side note: Miss ramen!

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