Monday, February 28, 2011

A brief stint in Kanazawa

Another Nohi Bus brought us to Kanazawa. By the time we reached Kanazawa station, it was 3pm and it was raining. We went in the nearby department store - Forus Building while waiting for the rain to stop, which it did after a short while.

After asking for direction, we set out looking for the guesthouse we made reservation online prior to departure. I remembered walking past Nikko Hotel, and Pongyi Guesthouse wasn't too far off from there.

Upon reaching Pongyi Guesthouse, we were greeted by Masaki-san. He was quick to notice my cheapo-ugg boots-wannabe and that it wouldn't withstand the snow. According to Masaki-san, there were free snowboots on loan in Kanazawa Station. I didn't look them up as I believe my other pair of boots would be alright, so I don't know the exact place.

Pongyi used to be a kimono shop of 100 years old, and part of the guesthouse is located above a river. Likewise all other ryokan, Masaki-san took great care of the tatami mats. It was a small but cosy guesthouse. Dorm-like room downstairs and private room upstairs.

There was a small lounge room with kotatsu to hang out...

This thing is awesome!
Common area with computer with free internet provided, books to read, free flow of tea and coffee.

Masaki-san was disappointed that our stay in Kanazawa was short, but he did recommend some places for us to visit, like walking to the samurai district, also food to try. Considering the weather that night and that it was getting dark, we decided against walking to the samurai district but just hanging around the city.

We were back to the train station and had dinner in one of the restaurant in Forus Building. It was a very big bowl of udon. All this blogging about Japanese food makes me hungry.

I'm not sure what was the occasion but at that time, in the train station, there was this booth for students to write down their wishes on passing of exams.

I decided to write too...umm.. pardon my handwriting

... and yes, I passed N3
Outside of Kanazawa Train Station, there was this big arch gateway...

On our walk back to Pongyi Guesthouse, we notice little water sprinklers on the road, presumbly to prevent snow from building up on the road.

It started to snow again before we reached Pongyi, and suddenly we felt the snow hitting on our face with increased intensity, and wind was really strong. Then we realised - it wasn't snowing. It was hailstorm. We seeked shelter in a car park and continued our walk back in strong win after the hailstorm stopped.

We had an early night, but I can't help thinking that if opportunity permits, I would return to Kanazawa, for a longer period.

Side note: Korokke... korokke... korokke....

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