Monday, October 4, 2010

Stepping in to Paris

LOL... had the "calling" to continue with the Europe travel posts after stuck in Italy for awhile.

We took a night flight from Venice to Paris, it was the only scheduled flight for that budget airline that we took - Ryanair. Not within expectation that it took quite a while to travel from the airport to the city. And... Paris is huge. We took a bus from the airport to the city. From where the bus stopped to our booked budget hotel, it was a really long journey.

Bad news - it was after 12am.
Good news - the train was still running.

More bad news - Cant speak a word of French, my French is worse than my Italian which is non-existent.
Better news - They speak English, and the ones we met were not as snobbish as imagined, in fact are more helpful than Italians.

More more bad news - Reached the hotel but the doors were locked!
A much better news - The guy opened the door despite a little grumpy. I can't complain, at the very least, he opened the door and let us checked it. *Phew

Despite being named as hotel, it was in fact one of the not-so-nice place we stayed in. One major reason (despite the grumpy receptionist) was that it as a curfew at 12pm. They did not give out keys for the maindoor unlike the rest of the B&B and hotel we stayed in (dorm is excluded as it was mentioned upfront). Location wise - it was near to the major train station Gare du Nord but it was a bit of a travel from Eiffel Tower, in fact rather tight if want to wait for the lights to be up and be back before the curfew.

Anyways, after a night rest, our first stop - Arc de Triomphe

It is in fact... a roundabout, a very big one. And there are a lot of chinese tourists when we were there along with people (I think are gypsies) trying to sell things.

From there, we walked till reached Place de la Concorde, and made a stop for crepe with chocolate and banana. Umm... no picture. :P

Obélisque de Luxor (I don't know why but everytime I see the name, I thought of Obelix from the comic)
Next up was Sacre Coeur. I remembered it was rather warm at this point of time, quite a change from Italy. Was later told it was a sudden influx in temperature.

There are shops leading up to the building and a market outside of the building. There was a shop selling nice paintings of surrounding area and sister was tempted to buy it but was contemplating of how to bring it back and that we might find it elsewhere... strange but we never seen it at other places. As at this point, we were rather spoilt by nice gelato in Italy and when we saw gelato at sale, we were tempted to a try. Unfortunately, not only it was more pricey, it wasn't as nice as those we had in the neighbouring country.

Ok... back to Sacre Coeur. We didnt go in but here's the view from opposite of the building.

I wish it was quieter and more serene but it was nowhere near that. There were a lot of people and there was music blasting out from a radio. We didn't linger long and last stop of the day...

Side note: PH coming to an end... :(

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