Saturday, July 31, 2010

Stepping in to La Spezia, Liguria

Our first stop in Liguria was La Spezia.

La Spezia is like the lesser visited cousin of the Cinque Terre villages. The plan was to stay a night in La Spezia and spend 2 days in the villages. Main reason was accommodation in the villages were fully booked. Accommodations in Cinque Terre were going like hot cakes. Despite the plan to visit Europe was set years ago but flight tickets were not booked till rather near to the travelling date... reason being there were a lot of uncertainty. Even after we booked the tickets, but before securing the accommodations, there was the Iceland volcano crisis...

As we walked along the streets in La Spezia, sis made a remark. She said, "This place feels like people's home." Indeed, unlike the rest of the places we stopped, La Spezia gives the feeling of that's where people live instead of people travelled in to the city/town and worked, manned the shops, then back home to somewhere secret.

La Spezia was also where we had a very yummylicious coffee at a very affordable price. Unfortunately the photo is with sister, so I can't share it here. Shame about that :(

The other food I want to introduce is the specialty of Liguria - Trofie al Pesto.

The other food we tried was this Bomboloni crema, from the same trattoria. Yum! :)

Side note: I miss the trofie al pesto... :(


  1. wah your pasta look like something from Fear Factor...

  2. kakaka.. dont judge the book by its cover ... err..dont judge the food by its look. Its pretty yummy.. and i missed it... cant seem to find it here yet..
