Monday, July 12, 2010


This beautiful duomo greeted us at the end of the street.

Every time we walked passed this square - Piazza del Duomo, we would stop to take a few shots, rain or shine, morning or evening, far or near. It was getting dark as the weather was not good, so we did not go in... not this round.

It is said that Florence is the birthplace of Italian Renaissance and is the home of Michelangelo's David. One of the 2 major tourist attractions are Uffizi and Galleria dell'Accademia. Uffizi houses many famous paintings while Accademia is the home to the famous David. Grin. I even downloaded the Iphone app for Uffizi... hehe.. but after the long walk in Vatican Museo, we decided to skip both the Uffizi and Accademia. :P

In lieu of that, the David outside Uffizi will have to do :P

Further down from there, it led to Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge).

The shops, if not all, mostly are goldsmith shops. We were not into the shops but the view from this old bridge is beautiful :)

Crossing Ponte Vecchio, we reached "the other Florence" - Oltrarno

Side note: Too little time...

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