Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ancient Roma

Stepping out of the metro of the same name, you can't miss the Colosseo right in front of you. The size is amazing... so is the queue. We got ourselves the Roma Pass, and this round, no long queuing to get into the monument.

After the freezing cold Amsterdam and Belgium, it was getting much warmer in Rome. In fact, many people were taking off their jackets and jumpers on the day we visited the Colesseo. We spent a good few hours walking through this place, inclusive of munching some takeaway pizza :P
The next stop was the nearby Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

This area was huge. By the time we finished both Colosseo, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, it was evening time. Colosseo was crowded with tourist, getting a picture without another tourist poking their head in it needs much patience. It does feels kind of interesting and there's a good feel to it in visiting the places that I have once read in the History book. Grin. It also brought back memories of the computer game I used to play :P

Side note: Haih... weekends are always too short.. aren't they?

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