Monday, June 21, 2010


We missed the train by a minute. Lucky for us, the train ticket was an open ticket, we could catch the next one. Unluckily, the next train was an hour away.

Before running for the tram, hurrying in the train station to the platform, we had heated up the green curry we bought the night before. Now, its like this, this green curry with rice dish was pre-packed and covered with a plastic film. To heat it up in the microwave, we had to poke some holes on the plastic allowing the curry to flow up. With all the hurrying, it ended up quite a mess to eat... especially when there are no seat to be seen in the Amsterdam Centraal station. We stood against a pillar and had green curry for breakfast... while waiting for the hour to pass.

3 hours later, we reached Brussels. The plan was to check in, dropped the bags and take another train to Brugge. Sis printed out some walking tours from the tourism website and we combined the tranquil and city of monuments walk.

That's the Belfry Tower at the end of it. Sis said there was a murder movie with Belfry as the location. Not sure which one though. First stop was at the Markt (Market Square).

We went up Belfry (entrance: 8 euro pp) and this is the first of many steps-climbing-monuments. Up we went 366 steps for this one... but unfortunately it is under restoration (as is many of the monuments) and only 2 sides is open for viewing, instead of able to go round 360 degrees.

from halfway up the tower

Sis also said that Brugge is the place to get laces. I thought it was suppose to be Burano (as I was to research for Italy, and Belgium is done by sis). Anyway, so there's a lot of shops selling laces and despite that, it is not cheap.

One can also take a boat ride on the canals. Of course, we didn't forget to eat famous Belgium waffle.

Side note: I'm such an idiot!

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