Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Anne Frank Huis and the Red Light District

Day 2 in Amsterdam and it was still raining with no sign of stopping. I put on a sweater and a jacket, carried the now in bad shaped umbrella and off we went again. Condition of the map after the downpour was a disaster. I was on the verge of throwing it but sis said due to contribution of the map, we should to bring it home :P

Took the usual tram no 4 to Amsterdam Centraal and walked about the city towards Anne Frank Huis (Ticket: 8.50 euro per person; Not locker for baggage storage. Have to carry small backpack on the front). Upon reaching, we note of a queue outside the building.

see those umbrellas...
Again, we joined the line, expecting the another 2 hour wait. Oh well, at least this round was better, we got in after an hour. Wished I have put on another sweater then.

Read the diary of Anne Frank when I was in Secondary 1 during English lessons. It tells the story of a Jewish girl who has to go into hiding with her family and another family in his father's warehouse till they were found. Anne passed away before the liberation. Anne Frank Huis is the secret hiding annex mentioned in the book.

Thereafter, we walked back in the city (yes, it was still raining). We found Febo, it is sort of a vending maching/fast food place, selling burgers and croquettes.

and that umbrella...
It so happened that Febo is nearby the Sex Museum, which I must say to my surprise look no other than a normal shop.

Before calling it a night, we went to the obligatory red light district. It is said that they will grab and smash your camera if you dare to take a picture of the girls at work. So, here's what I got.

Side note: Feeling lazy... wonder if winter is the cause...

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