Monday, January 11, 2010

Last Stop at Asakusa

Our last stop was at Asakusa - to visit the Sensoji Temple, also tour guide said that there's a market place that sells souvenirs. We still need to get a couple of quite a few things to bring home.

The Sensoji Temple is not far from the Asakusa train station. Opposite the Kaminari-mon (Thunder Gate) of Sensoji Temple is this very noticeable building - Asahi Beer Headquarters Building.

According to this website, the design for the building on the left is based on a jug of beer, with the white roof mimicking the foam on a jug of beer. As for the shorter building, the black colour of the building represents a black glass of beer with a whip cream on top.

And of course, the Sensoji Temple, the entrance via the thunder gate.

At the side of the entrance, you'll see a few jinrikisha puller waiting for customers.

Going through the thunder gate, is this Nakamise Street where we spent our very last yen and had to bring out the plastic for our purchase. There were also many stalls selling food and tour guide were on guard to remind me to focus and and not be distracted by all the food. :p

At the end of the street... the temple

and the pagoda

After we left Asakusa, we were back to Shinjuku, made a short stop in Takeshimaya and hurried back to the hotel to catch our shuttle bus to the airport.

Side note: Right... back to play with my new toys :P


  1. this entry remind me of the place i used to call home for more than 2 years...

    as for that thing on top of the asahi beer building - it's also known as kin no unchi (golden turd) in tokyo, i kid you not. but seriously, it does resemble a golden poop, right? :-)

  2. ah..right.. i remember reading you used to stay in Asakusa :)
    haha.. yea.. my boyfriend did say it looks like a poop :P
