Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Raiders cap

Remember my earlier post which I mentioned that I dropped tour guide's 1 week old cap? I feel so bad and I told tour guide that I would get him a new cap. Tour guide like a cap from a certain NHL NFL (*edit: tour guide told me I got it wrong :P) team, also if it is difficult to get, tour guide thinks that I would not pursue.

However I promised tour guide then that I would get him the cap. I didnt know how difficult it would be to purchase the cap but since I gave tour guide my word, I resolved to... shopping online. It appears that it may be almost impossible to get it here but I was saved by this website called Football Fanatics. I have not done any online shopping before, the only transaction I do is flight, hotel and movie tickets booking. That's it.

For the cap, I tried online shopping. :P Made the purchase on 30/11/09 and today I found a box on my doorstep!

Yatta! The cap is here!

Side note: Updated the post on Ghibli Museum with some pictures

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