Sunday, December 20, 2009

Magical Ghibli Museum

Our first stop was in Shinjuku as the hotel that tour guide booked is located there. However we didnt linger long. Checked in, had a quick shower and off we went again. It was still raining.

In view of our limited time in Tokyo, we decided to get the tickets in Australia, rather than risking not able to get hold of them due to limited tickets. However it was an open ticket which allows us to enter at any of the 4 designated time on Friday, despite the opening time from 10am to 6pm. (Designated entrance time: 10:00 am, 12:00pm, 2:00pm, 4:00pm)

We were without an umbrella, so the first stop on the way to Shinjuku train station was to grab an umbrella. We got ourselves one of those transparent umbrella, which is now sitting in my little apartment :P

Ghibli Museum is located in Mitaka. Travelling from Shinjuku Station, we didn't have to change to another train line. We stood in front of the ticket machine trying to locate Mitaka in kanji till a good Samaritan came by and asked, "だいじょうぶですか?”

We were grateful as we wanted to make it in time for the 2pm entrance time. Buying ticket and going to the correct platform was fast and easy with the help from the good Samaritan. Reaching Mitaka station, we walked following the river (the words of tour guide). There were some signs showing that we were on the correct route to the museum.

You will know that you have reached when you see this sign
Then you will be greeted by Totoro!

An obvious time difference when this photo was taken (vs the one before), this was taken when leaving as we were trying to make the 2pm entrance time
And next to Totoro...

However these are not the entrance. The entrance is just a little further up.

The entrance ticket are film from any of the Ghibli Studio movies. Mine is from Howl's Moving Castle while tour guide's - Ponyo. We were also told that we could catch the short film of about 14 minutes at 2.35pm. Currently showing is めいとこねこバス (Mei and the Kittenbus).

My entrance ticket!
According to the official website, this film will be shown till 27th December. The short film was aired in Japanese Language and there was no subtitle. However for this particular short film, conversation was limited and it was easy to be understood even without knowledge of the language. Photography and videos are not allowed inside the museum.

The museum gives a fun and cosy feeling. There is a spiral staircase up to the second floor near the Saturn Theater where the short film is aired. There are rooms showing the working area as to where the drawings were done and how the animations were made.

Outside of the building, there's this staircase leading to the Laputa Robot Soldier.

Robot soldier in the rain
The souvenir shop on the top floor of the museum had tour guide and I contributing money towards it. The shop is called "Mamma Aiuto"

We also had every intention to have a little meal at the cafe but the waiting queue was far too long. As we didn't have lunch and were really, really hungry as it was already over 4pm then, we decided to give it a miss.

My blog post does not do the museum any justice. It is far more interesting than my pathetic description. So, please do drop by the museum if you are in Tokyo :)

Side note: I am still lagging on my christmas shopping.. um...

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