Monday, October 26, 2009

7 Bridges Walk - Post Walk

It was said to be 25 km, but adding up the breakdown of the distance given, it looks like it is over 27 km. My first walk. Outcome of it - tour guide is pleased that I learnt some places in Sydney, though literally the hard way - by walking.

Milsons Point is one of the village available for registration. That was where we started our walk.

queuing up for registration
Route for the walk
The walk is from 8am to 5pm. 2 reasons why we have to start early.
1. I needed all the time there is, taking into the consideration of my non-existent fitness level
2. We are curious to see how the Breakfast on the Bridge looks like. Breakfast on the Bridge runs from 6.30 am to 8.30 am. From what I heard, registration is open to all, but thereafter was a lucky draw to draw out 6,000 participants.

Breakfast on the bridge while crossing the first bridge - Sydney Harbour Bridge
people going home after breakfast
Stamped! for Sydney Harbour Bridge
As you can see from the picture, we were given an event passport to be stamped at each Bridge and Village. Villages are where one can register for the walk and there were some food stalls, music and entertainment at the villages.

Next up is the Pyrmont Bridge, followed by Anzac Bridge. I have never crossed Anzac Bridge by foot, last Sunday was the first time.

Left: Anzac Bridge; Right: Pyrmont Bridge
We were lucky that day, manage the get the Pyrmont Bridge when they rotate the bridge to let bigger vessels to cross. As you can see, the sky was getting dark then. Despite my threat of asking all the participants to step on the tour guide's feet, he insisted on saying, "It will rain." :P

True to the weather forecast, unfortunately for us, it started pouring as we are approaching the Anzac Bridge. I was hoping for a miracle as last Saturday was also forecast to be raining but weather was clear. Oh well...

Harbour Bridge faraway
Rain going strong after we crossed Anzac Bridge
Bridge number 4 - Iron Cove. Tour guide said he had drove me passed this bridge twice but I have no recollection.

Right: Gladesville Bridge
Have never crossed the Gladesville Bridge before, so I am seeing Sydney by foot :)

The last 2 bridges - Tarban Creek Bridge and Fig Tree Bridge.

And yes, it was still raining then. We got an umbrella back before crossing Anzac Bridge but shirt was still wet. After crossing all the 7 bridges, the remaining stops were villages - Lane Cove Village and Wollstonecraft Village before finishing the round back to Milsons Point.

And yes, if you wonder. I was a good girl, I finished the walk despite the event organisers did offered bus and ferry transportation at certain points if unable to finish the whole route.

7 Bridges Walk gives the opportunity for participants to enjoy Sydney by walking, also as part of fund raising for 4 events charities - beyondblue, the Cancer Council NSW, Diabetes Australia-NSW and Heart Foundation NSW :)

Side note: I enjoyed my first walk! :)


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