Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Largest Temple in the Southern Hemisphere

I am not too sure how many temples are there in the Southern Hemisphere, however this temple is said to be the largest one. Nan Tien temple (南天寺) is a Buddhist temple, located in Berkeley, near Wollongong, NSW.

After taking a few wrong turns, we finally reached there. The first building that greet us is this pagoda.

At the side of the staircase which leads to the pagoda are these little statues.

Quite a few people were taking pictures, mimicking the statues
Inside the pagoda there is a big bell, don't remember the name of the bell. There are pieces of paper where you write down your wish, pin it to a tree-look-alike thingy, and strike on the bell. At least that what was I observed.

In one of the room, one could try their hand on calligraphy. There were pieces of pre-prepared papers and calligraphy brushes. Calligraphy writing is said to be calming.

Outside of the pagoda
Out of the pagoda, we saw this....

And my first thought was, "Jack and Jill went up the hill... " LOL. There is no well, but there's a bell, call Gratitude Bell.

It is a big hill, hence one can see a pretty good view of the surrounding.

From there, we walked to another temple in the complex. Next to it, there's a lake

Then we left, to be on our way to Bowral where we would stay over the night :)

Side note: Bowral is where Bradman Musuem is situated.

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