Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Found it!

I've found it! I've found it!

Amongst all those nasi lemak that I tried, from the ones in the restaurant that serve rendang in place of the usual sambal, to the ones from food court which I sworn off...I've finally found...


And it come in a bottle... this bottle...

I know it is not from scratched, but I dont have a blender or mortar & pestle to pound the sambal, besides I'm not a good cook... and.. @$!$%!%!@# chillies somehow is expensive here... and I'm lazy... :p

Anyway, saw this little bottle when I went grocery shopping in the Asian grocery store the other day. Thought I'll give it a try when I need fast fix for nasi lemak. Viola... it taste like Malaysian nasi lemak to bits. Yum...

I took a first taste of the sambal when cooking ... trying the taste cos it say adjust the taste with sugar (which I didnt, it is just right for me). No picture of food.. cos I cant wait to eat my dinner tonight!

Side note: Ok.. back to earth - back to wash the dishes... :P *happy*

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

International Food Day

Or I should say lunch...

There was so much food during lunch today, I was so full... (I had 3 helpings on the main meals... and followed by dessert too!) Unfortunately, I didnt get any pictures, everybody was eager to tuck in. However I snapped one on the stir fry noodles which I get to bring home for dinner :P

Despite not everybody bring their home origin food, but everybody contributed some food!

We had meatballs, koeksuster (pronounced as "cook sister" from South Africa)

Picture from Cook Sister

Prawn masala and curry chicken brought in by colleague from India, nasi beriani, plenty of rice. Chicken Adobo and Brazo de Mercedes from the Phillipines, beef with potatoes, lamingtons, corn chips with dips, cheese dips, chocolate cheese cake, anzac biscuits, sushi, of course - the stir fry noodles above and drinks

Oh yah.. the satay and the sauce too :P

Side note: and I had a yummy cake for dinner tonight too! :D

Monday, June 8, 2009

Homemade Satay

Story begins with office having an International Food Day, taking advantage of colleagues from different countries. One of my colleague who also came from Malaysia suggested that she will make satay and asked if I am alright to make the sauce. Oh well... I dont even have to think what to make, I'm happy with the idea, despite I have no absolute idea how to make the satay sauce. However colleague offered idea that I could get them off the shelf from asian grocer or even Malaysian food stalls near the office. As there is backup plan ready (in fact I like the idea of the one from asian grocer...), so satay sauce it is.

However when I brought up the idea of buying those can satay sauce, someone objected. Said I should try making, only if it doesnt turn out, then I could buy. Even offered to make a chicken dish to test my satay sauce. Emmm...

Anyway, I must have been crazy cos I offered to make the full fare of Malaysian chicken satay together with the satay sauce and top it up with nasi himpit as experiment. Huge mistake. It is not an easy task, especially that to begin with... I am not a good cook, and secondly, I dont have a blender. In fact, I dont even have a mortar and pestle. However, friend has a mortar and pestle which I could borrow (which I did) but it was those cute little ones...

So... that was the story of me making satay for the first time, together with the sauce... strangely enough it was the nasi himpit that didnt work out. LOL, in fact it turn out like porridge, maybe cos I didnt "himpit" it.

It was totally hard work... the recipe itself was not difficult (got it from here and here)... but the pounding with mortar and pestle... not something I want to do again. Umm....

Side note: There are many good cooks who kindly blog up recipes :)