Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

I know... I know... it's a little too late, especially that I think most people have return to work. This is my first year not celebrating CNY in Malaysia. However I'm lucky that one of my colleague invited my 2 other colleagues and I to have CNY eve dinner in her house. It was a good dinner :)

Anyways, happy chinese new year :)

Side note: Yesterday's fireworks was great!


  1. Ei, you took the cny reunion dinner on a chair?

    p/s: May the Ox brings health, wealth and properous to everyone!

  2. no lar.. from the end of the table nia.. in ppl's house.. dare not stand on the chair & take pic lar :P

  3. ei mana ur bf pic? show
    i wan see :p
