Sunday, August 24, 2008

What I notice...

1. Fork is the utensil to go in Australia. Even when you eat "chap fan", it comes with fork instead of spoon. Spoons are only given if you are eating food which cannot be lifted with a fork, of course... soup.

2. Bolster is unheard of here. Hence, I have to settle with another pillow, but I still find it a tad too short.

3. You greet people with, "Hey, how is it going?" or "Hi, how are you?" instead of "吃饱了吗?"

Side note: Just a short one. I almost burst my upload/download quota, so no pictures


  1. go sew 2 pillow together for your bolster...hahaha...

  2. hahaha.. that kind of sewing is beyond me :P

  3. hahhahahahaha no bolster leh... u should have brought ur own there =.="

    i thought ppl greet there as gudday mate~

  4. hmm.. no lor.. its more "hi, how are you?"
