Saturday, May 10, 2008

The tree it is named after...

Ok... I don't remember seeing the tree itself the few times I've been to Ipoh. Anyway, from Wikipedia it says...

The name Ipoh derives from a local tree, pohon epu or now more commonly known as
pokok ipoh. The sap of this plant is poisonous and was used by Orang Asli
(indigenous people) to coat the tips of the darts of their blowpipes.
So, here's the tree itself. One in front of the railway station and there's another one at D. R. Seenivasagam Park (if I don't remember wrongly).

And since I took a picture of the tree, might as well snap a few pictures of the flowers & leaves nearby so the Ipoh tree picture got some "friends". Haha. Nay... just crapping.

Side note: Ahhh.. I'm just crapping... it's way too hot tonight...

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