Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Old Capital Hue

Hue used to be the capital of Vietnam ages ago. Today, the main attraction is the ancient Forbidden Purple City, Citadel and the tombs of the Nguyen emperors, not to mention the certain Thien Mu Pagoda that we failed to locate.

We reached Hue about 8+ in the morning. After went to get another train ticket to Danang and stepped out of the train station. Xe om and cyclo drivers swarmed to us, trying to bringing to certain guesthouse and budget hotel. We didn't want to accept in case we didn't like the place and would be obliged to pay despite promises of "if you don't like, it is ok." Ironic, we ended up at the hotel where the first xe om driver offered to us. The place is rather ok, 12 USD for a room for 2 inclusive of breakfast, though my sister said the bed makes her itchy. I was sleeping really well. :P The breakfast was very reasonable too, one get to choose 2 food and a drink.

There isn't any lifts, its similar in most budget hotels. Our room was in 4th floor, carrying the heavy backpack, we brought it up to the room, left it there and begin our visit in the ancient city. Walking out from our hotel, we would need to cross the Perfume River via the bridge to get to the sights.

Crossing the Perfume River on foot. Notice the pillion passenger covering her mouth with a mask? It's common in Vietnam but I notice the mask used in Phnom Penh was the surgical one.
As we were rather hungry, my sister especially. I wasn't very eager to eat as I was down with AGE since we left Halong Bay. We thought of stopping by the very first eating place on the way, but somehow there isn't many along the road. Hence, we joined the locals for a drink of Ovaltine before crossing the bridge.

Drinking by the bank of the river
After walking for a distance and stalked by a cyclo driver, we saw the Ngo Mon Gate.

Ngo Mon Gate (Noontime Gate)
At this time, even with the Forbidden Purple City just down the road, we are still being followed by the same cyclo driver. I salute his determination of following us a few roads, going off and came back again, insisting he wanted to show us around the Citadel and other sights despite the numerous, "No, thank you." I suppose rule number should be - Don't look. With only one look, a peddler would think you want to buy something, a cyclo driver would think that you want to have a ride, a food seller would think you want to eat. :P
So no, one cannot be curious.

Forbidden Purple City - most of it was destroyed
The Forbidden Purple City in Hue was rather small. I am very much convinced the one in China is much much bigger. Anyway, when we were visiting, there were a few tour groups making their way inside. I notice, the tours are mostly French speaking, in fact, there isn't any Asian tour. There after, we make our way out and start looking for lunch and walk around the Citadel. And yes, the same cyclo driver is still following us.

The citadel area
This place is quite a distance away from the Forbidden Purple City. We took a xe om back to guesthouse and rent a bike again, to get to the royal tombs.

Tomb of Tu Duc
Reaching the tomb itself is a real achievement. We only have a very simplified map with no road name, some roads and clusters of the tombs. Ironic that with a slightly better map, we can't seem to find the Thien Mu Pagoda. As we had to return the bike by 7 pm, we had to send it back to the guesthouse, had our dinner and call it a day.

Side note: I wonder, how big is the Forbidden Purple City in China

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