Monday, April 7, 2008

Between Vietnam and Cambodia

*Ponder. Maybe I shouldn't put that as the title. It make it sound like I was at some land not own by anyone. Anyways, we got on the boat to bring us to the border alright.

But very the unfortunate, my bladder was kind of full ever since we were in the Cham Village but there wasnt any WC to be seen. I thought we would be brought back to the shore after visiting the village instead of waiting for the boat in the middle of the water and climb over from the rowing boat to the other one. What I didn't expect also was that the journey from Chau Doc to Vinh Xuong was soooo long. Imagine denying nature calls for almost 2 hours. To add salt to that, upon reaching Vinh Xuong, we couldn't run to the toilet but must carry that over-10kg-backpack off the boat first. = ="

The toilet at the immigration is the public toilet that rescue me from further possibility of getting urinary disorder.
We got off the boat and have our lunch. When we were there, all the rest of the travellers required visa to cross to Cambodia. The processing took about 2 hours. This is also where you'll see after satisfying the growling tummy, people would fish out their travel guidebooks on Cambodia and read.

We barely have enough time to digest the Vietnam one before departure (but lucky we got 2 books on that), hence we didnt have much info on Cambodia. We looked (around for it, cant read some as were in German or French), borrowed, read (with speed), took pictures (of the map) and returned the book (in case the owner wants to continue reading).

The guide came back to inform us once the visa processing was done and we went through the custom - stamped out of Vietnam, and in Cambodia via Kaam Samnor.

Then we boarded another boat.

This boat looks better from the outside than the inside. We endured a 2 hours windless ride. Lucky the boat wasn't full. Only a handful of people. Otherwise would probably had a few casulties due to the heat.

There were also a money changer in the boat, for you to change from dong to riel. However, it is more advisable to change your dong to USD when in Vietnam. USD is widely accepted in Cambodia (4,000 Riel = 1 USD). The exchange rate in the boat is not very competitive.

When the boat reaches the port, we were sent to Phnom Penh via a van. By the time we reached Phnom Penh, it was almost 5 pm. Almost time for dinner again ;)

Side note: Goodbye Vietnam. I miss the food already. Wanted to try the Vietnamese food in Pavillion food court the other day, but the choice selection is far too limited. :(

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