Monday, March 31, 2008

Killing time in Lao Cai

We reached Lao Cai at about 3++ pm. The train tonight at 9 pm. There isn't much in Lao Cai, besides we didnt want to wander to off anyway. The only option was walking around the area near the railway station.

We walked left from the railway station and found ourselves back to school in Lao Cai.

The classroom - taken through a broken window
As most part of the school is close, we can only walk on the compound. So to kill more time, we do this... taking loads of picture of flowers :P

However, there's just so much time you can spend in an empty school. A short walk across the road brought us back a back lane, probably would connect to the somewhere close to the train station.

Further left from the railway station is a flyover, probably leading further off. So we explored the other side instead. At that side, we stumble upon a market. Not too sure if it's daily though. I like to visit markets when travelling. It's a great place to see different foodstuff, people's action, fun and colourful place to capture photographs :)

See the "tortoise" helmet?

Grin... of course this wont keep us occupy till 9 pm. We spend the remaining time eating dinner very slowly, till the unexpected "crisis" at 7++ pm... but that's another story

Side note: I'm a bit restless... the brain starts to think too much again..

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