Thursday, March 27, 2008

Flight, train, bus...

It's getting a little late and I'm still having my post-holidays-syndrome but suddenly got the itch to blog, so this will be a short one.

Be it in the flight to Hanoi, or the train ride from Hue to Danang or even the bus ride from HCMC to Mekong Delta, there is this similarity. Just my luck of meeting the coincidence. Your seat is not truly your seat. You'll most probably need to share it with your neighbour who is occupying the seat behind you.

Like this...

On flight: The one "sharing" the seat is not me. I'm the one sitting next to the fella who is happily clipping his finger nails away. Beats me how he got that on board.

On train: This pair of feet was indeed "sharing" my seat. I asked my sister to take a pic of that...

Oh well... there was suppose to be another pic showing on the bus, but it was not really safe to grab that picture so... just imagine a bit lar ya. :P

Side note: Mental note to self not to go pasar malam or do grocery shopping when I'm hungry

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