Tuesday, December 22, 2020

VIC: A day in Ararat

I was invited to a baby's full moon (one month old) party in Ballarat. As I was already going to commute to regional VIC, so thought I'll go a bit further to see Ararat since I've been to Ballarat twice a couple of years ago. 
Ararat is about 2.5 hours west from Melbourne, +/- depending on your transportation choice. I took a train to Ararat and was a little shock over the one way train ticket cost of AUD30.80. At time of travel, masks are mandatory in public transports but the train itself wasn't crowded, at least on the day of my commute.  There were plenty of seats going around to for one to choose. I took the 8:16AM train from Southern Cross and arrived in Ararat at 10:45AM. 

Ararat is the only city in Australia to be founded by Chinese immigrants. It was said that many years back in 1857, 700 Chinese miners from Southern China travelled overland from South Australia to Victoria. It was said that if they were to land in Melbourne, they would be charged a head tax of £10 which was a hefty amount at the time. 

Due to this, the prospective Chinese gold miners began landing instead in South Australia and walking hundreds of kilometres to the diggings in Victoria. By stroke of luck, when they were replenishing their water supplies at a spring, they discovered the world's richest shallow alluvial goldfield. 

Likewise Bendigo where there is a Golden Dragon Museum, there is a similar museum in Ararat - Gum San Chinese Heritage Centre. Unfortunately, it is now temporarily closed in response to Covid-19. It was still close when I visited last weekend, however the notice on the door didn't mention when it would be re-opened. 

As I have some time till check-in time, plus I was a little hungry despite having some sandwiches for breakfast. I made a pit stop for brunch at Vines Cafe & Bar. I had a long macchiato and some cauliflower croquettes. 

One of the top sights in Ararat was an unexpected old prison / asylum. There are options of visiting both Aradale and J Ward or just one of them. Aradale was previously a psychiatric hospital until 1998. There are options of day tours or ghost tours to understand the history of Aradale. Or one could visit J Ward which was once a goldfields prison before converted to an asylum for the criminally insane in the 1880's. J ward continued to operate till 1991. It is now a museum offering guided tours of the historic building, it's history and stories. 

I joined J Ward's 1PM guided tour on a Saturday. From the usual 4 sessions daily, it has been reduced to twice a day. Entrance fees of AUD 17 per person. There were only 12 of us including the guide. There were a family of 8, a couple and myself. The tour goes on for about 1.5 hours. 

It started off with some briefing on general J Ward history in a room before heading outdoors. 

Entrance to prison compound

Spot the grapes... said to be carved over years using stones or little things found around the compound

After leaving J Ward Museum, I walked to One Tree Hill Lookout

On paper, it was just a short 4.8km walk from Ararat. My walk from J Ward Museum is said to be 4km according to Google but the last stretch has pretty steep elevation, overall of 77m.

Traffic was very light, on/off there were cars but I was the only person walking. 

One Tree Hill to the left

After many steps of going uphill, the lookout was in view. I was the only one there too. Haha. 

Good views from the top and made me feel like I have earned dinner. 

I wanted to try Sicilians Bar & Restaurant for dinner but it was very busy, both takeaway and eat-in. Not sure if they were all locals but if so, then it must be good right? Anyway, it was too busy and I didn't want to wait so went to another place

So my dinner plan was changed from Pasta Scaloppini to Spicy Noodles with squids. Food was decent. 

So there you go, some options of things to do if you found yourself in Ararat, maybe on your way to the Grampians. 

Side note: Wow, T-3 to Christmas. Merry Christmas :)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

VIC: Conservation Hill Reserve, Rhyll Inlet and Chelsea Beach

On a very rare day that I found myself further away from home because it was my friend's birthday. Contrary to the annual norm where we caught up to have dinner, this year we had initially planned to do the George Bass Coastal Walk. 

The walk didn't happened because we left home a little later than planned and were hungry. By the time we reached Phillip Island and had lunch, we decided to just hit the nearby Conservation Hill Reserve. 

The Conservation Hill Reserve and Rhyll Inlet are located in Phillip Island. Rhyll is a small fishing town on Phillip Island in Victoria, Australia. It is located in the north-east corner of the island. Yes, the same Phillip Island where many visitors go to see those cute little penguins. We didn't stay that long, hence the sunset photo at Chelsea Beach. 

Conservation Hill Reserve is a habitat for migratory and resident birds. It features mudlands and mangroves. The track begins in the Conservation Hill car park. 

Lookout area

On the way to the inlet

On the way back, we stopped by Chelsea and got some fish and chips to eat by the beach. Chelsea is a bayside suburb about 30km south-east from Melbourne's CBD. 

Pretty good view for dinner  must say. 

Note: Less than a month to Christmas!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Northern Territory: 3D3N in Darwin/Kakadu during the Wet Season

The Northern Territory (NT) is huge and roughly divided into to 2 big parts - the Top End and the Red Centre. The Top End enjoys the tropical and rainforesty climates and covers Darwin, Kakadu National Park, Arnhem Land and Katherine area. The bottom of NT is the Red Centre consisting of Uluru, Alice Spring.

The NT has 2 main seasons, the Wet (November to April) and the Dry season (May to October). However according to the local Gundjeihmi, there are 6 different seasons.

Gudjewg (Monsoon): December to March
Banggerreng (Harvest time): April
Yegge (Cooler but still humid): May to June
Gunumeleng (Pre-monsoon): October to December
Gurrung (Hot dry time): August to October
Wurrgeng (Cool dry season): June to August

Almost 6 years ago, over a Good Friday/Easter Sunday holidays, I did a 3 days visit to Uluru and really enjoyed the experience. Australia being such a big land, it is significantly different being in NT versus the usual capital cities.

This round, I took advantage of the Labour Day long weekend and did a quick 3-days to the Top End with a friend. So yep, I was at the Top End during the monsoon season. In fact, the plane had to circled a bit before attempting to land due to the monsoon rain as we arrived to Darwin.

It was a long weekend but because of the flight timing, we get exactly 3 full days by arriving just past midnight on a Saturday and departing Darwin very early morning (1am) on a Tuesday. No annual leave taken.

Here goes.

Day 1: Darwin (1 night)

After picking up our rented car, we proceeded straight to the Darwin CBD where we booked a night at the H on Smith Hotel. Room was clean and updated but breakfast was forgetable.

Post breakfast, we wandered a little around this quiet CBD towards the Waterfront Precinct.

Christ Church Cathedral - where new cathedral was constructed around a historic porch
Darwin Waterfront Precinct
It was warm and humid, just like being back in Malaysia, so after a while we decided it is time for round 2 of breakfast and hit the Parap Market. This market only opens on Saturdays, 8am - 2pm. It is quite small but the cooked food on sale were of a good variety (in particularly South East Asian influenced food) and tasty. I read that the famous one to try is the laksa but both my friend and I lived in Northern Malaysia, curry laksa just isn't our favourite type of laksa. Instead we shared satay and eggplant baos, plus bought pineapples, purple dragonfruit and some Thai sticky rice dessert. They were all tasty food.

Indonesian satay with peanut and chilli sauce
Eggplant bao
We had our dose of coffee at a nearby cafe, Laneway Specialty Coffee. I decided on iced coffee in view of the hot temperature and because, ice-cream. We returned for an iced latte each the day we arrived back from Darwin, so yes, the coffee was good.

We didn't want to arrive in Kakadu in the dark plus wanting to leave some time for detour, so we left Darwin just after. Our first stop after leaving Darwin was Window on the Wetlands Visitor Centre. The visitor centre is on Beatrice Hill, one of the highest points overlooking the Adelaide River floodplains. There are interactive displays to explain the Aboriginal and European histories of the area, plus the wildlife in the area.

A short 5 minutes away was our next stop, the Original Adelaide River Queen Jumping Crocodile Cruises. It was a last minute decision so we went to the nearest and joined the last departure of the day at 3pm. It went for an hour and the crocodiles were just next to the boat.

The jumping one
The non jumping one.. because this was a big one and a little too heavy to jump
After the crocodiles were fed, the birds of prey were fed.

Day 1 ended when we arrived in Jabiru and checked in for the next 2 nights.

Day 2: Kakadu National Park

First stop was to the Bowali Visitor Centre to pay for the Kakadu National Park pass as well as checking which sites in the national park that were still accessible. Many sites were closed high water levels due to frequent rainpour in the monsoon seasons.

We went on our merry way to the Kubara pools walk, a 6km return walk past sandstone cliffs to shady monsoon forest pools. The staff whom we spoke to said that this is one of her favorite walks. However we didn't see the pools even though we went as far as taking off our shoes and crossed barefooted a big puddle of water.

The water was clean and it was refreshing but walking barefooted on the stones was similarish to the having reflexology which I don't do very well. After navigating through that puddle of water, we arrived to the start of the walk, only to see a string to prevent one from going further and caution signs to beware of crocodiles and buffalos. Considering that many sites were inaccessible due to water levels so we decided to turn back.

We repeated the take-off-shoes-and-cross-puddle exercise and that was the end of our Kubara pools walk.

So we went to the next walk near to Kubara pools walk, Nanguluwurr art site walk. This was described as a 3.4km return walk through woodlands to a quiet Aboriginal rock art site and to allow 2 hours.

We didn't think it took 2 hours, though I was hoping that there were more to the art considering that the walking to the art site took a while. It definitely felt a long walk especially it was really humid-warm the day of our visit.

We then returned to the hotel for lunch and decided to do the cruise on the Yellow Water. Friend went to make the booking and I was tasked to get a takeaway box for the pizza that we were going to eat-in. I accidentally became a 'pizza thief' after I left promptly after puting the pizza to the box, thinking that it would be billed to the room. I did ring the hotel reception to own up, just in case. ;)

I really enjoyed the Yellow Water (Ngurrungurrudjba) Cruise which went on the Yellow Water Wetlands and the guide talks about the nature and culture. It was a little pricey though at $90 for 2 hours because we did the 4:30pm slot. The earliest slot is the most expensive as it includes breakfast and the ones during the day are shorter so are cheaper comparatively.

At certain areas at Yellow Water are closed to boating to prevent spread of salvinia, a free-floating aquatic fern native to South America. It was originally imported as an aquarium plant but reproduces very rapidly by growing from small fragments. 

Darter bird drying its wings

Day 3: Kakadu National Park, Darwin

We stopped by the Bowali Visitor Centre again as friend wanted to check out the Marrawuddi Gallery at the visitor centre which stocks Aboriginal arts, crafts, books and gifts. She got a cool art piece of a Mimi spirit. In the meantime, I rounded the visitor centre and saw this large termite mound.

We planned to stopby the Litchfield National Park to check out a couple of things including the magnetic termite mounds at the Litchfield National Park. Unfortunately we were caught at Scott Creek and stopped to wait for the water levels to recede. After we passed through this patch of the road, we decided to just continue all the way to Darwin to be on the safe side.

On arrival to Darwin, we went on a little hunt to find Kakadu plum and found them at the Aboriginal Bush Traders.  I wasn't familiar with it but according to friend, it is a superfood and contains high concentration of vitamin C.

We also visited the Mindil Beach even though the Sunset Market is not yet opened.

It was quiet apart from a handful other families who brought their dogs out for a run. We weren't expecting to see any sunset as it was cloudy the whole day but Mindil Beach did throw us a pretty sunset show which we caught when we had dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Our last activity of the day was to see the Bruce Munro Tropical Lights. It is an outdoor exhibition of illuminated sculptures across the CBD and they are lighted up nightly from 7pm-10pm. The city is taking this exhibition seriously, we found out that staffs are engaged to patrol around to ensure that the lights are still working, the exhibitions are still intact etc.

Here are the illuminated sculptures.

Pukul Lima (Temperate Clock), 2019
Telegraph Rose, 2019. This one comes with an audio element of morse code.
Green Flash, 2017. This is express the optical phenomena which occurs right after sunset or before sunrise, for a second of two. (Well, saw it, didn't snap it in time but didn't want to wait again)
Time and Again, 2019 (37 stainless steel lily pads forming a convex done with each lily with a design to represent past, present and future)

Sun Lily, 2019 (Created uniquely for Darwin, with the Spider Lily in the heart of the sculpture)

Light Shower, 2019

Water-Towers, 2010

Side note: Stay safe