Thursday, November 26, 2020

VIC: Conservation Hill Reserve, Rhyll Inlet and Chelsea Beach

On a very rare day that I found myself further away from home because it was my friend's birthday. Contrary to the annual norm where we caught up to have dinner, this year we had initially planned to do the George Bass Coastal Walk. 

The walk didn't happened because we left home a little later than planned and were hungry. By the time we reached Phillip Island and had lunch, we decided to just hit the nearby Conservation Hill Reserve. 

The Conservation Hill Reserve and Rhyll Inlet are located in Phillip Island. Rhyll is a small fishing town on Phillip Island in Victoria, Australia. It is located in the north-east corner of the island. Yes, the same Phillip Island where many visitors go to see those cute little penguins. We didn't stay that long, hence the sunset photo at Chelsea Beach. 

Conservation Hill Reserve is a habitat for migratory and resident birds. It features mudlands and mangroves. The track begins in the Conservation Hill car park. 

Lookout area

On the way to the inlet

On the way back, we stopped by Chelsea and got some fish and chips to eat by the beach. Chelsea is a bayside suburb about 30km south-east from Melbourne's CBD. 

Pretty good view for dinner  must say. 

Note: Less than a month to Christmas!