Saturday, March 31, 2012

Brighton-Le Sands

Brighton-Le Sands is a suburb in southern Sydney. I have never been there till work decided to hold a one and half days internal conference there. The instruction given to us on basis of cost saving was to travel to Kogarah station and meet up with the rest to cab share to Novotel Brighton-Le Sands.

View from 14th Floor

I was allocated to 14th floor, to a fairly big room complete with lounge area and balcony; however majority of the time were spent in the conference room anyway.

There was some drinks and nimbles before dinner but I skipped that and tried to get a nap though ended up watching some TV :P Dinner was at a Brazillian restaurant in Bay Street (imagine a lot of meat). The waiters came around offering grilled meat on big, long skewers.

Bay Street in the morning

Anyway, the only free time I had poking walking around was in the morning. Yes, I actually set the alarm to wake up earlier to have a little walk on a Saturday morning before the start of the second half the conference.

Novotel was right across the Brighton Beach, so I had a little walk before stuffing myself with breakkie :) A couple of pictures on a morning walk in Brighton Le-Sands.

Side note: Better start on those homework...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kuala Lumpur

I have been back in Sydney for at two months, so this was overdue for at least 60 days.

The old Pudu jail (or Pudu Prison), or what is left, the wall had been broken down despite it could be very much considered a heritage despite one could argue for the wrong reason.

Under the monorail track, near Hang Tuah station.

The twin towers which most try to have a piece of the view from their home, so one could view those fireworks without leaving the comfort of home.

And this... long overdue, Happy 2012 :)

Side note: Will have to try the ramen again another time. Sux