Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why Japan?

This is a long overdue post. Have intended to write this last post on Tokyo trip before I leave for KL... which obviously didnt happen :P

Anyways, better late that never (in fact.. the post gone missing after I click published, strange)

So.. why Japan? This are some of the reasons as to why Tokyo is now one of my favourite place :)

The jakun me thinks the gadgets in Japan are way interesting - the famous toilet seat, the see through dish washer, the vending machine that I really like and the shower with "body shower" and a dial to set the water temperature.

The places to go in Japan - culture, scenaries, and Ghibli Studio!

Food... no further introduction required :P

Things to spend on... no I didnt buy all that... some are goodies from the tour guide.. and the Hello Kitty is not mine :P

Side note: A few more days to CNY :)